Friday, March 1, 2013

The Beckoning: A Call To Action (Begin Your Dreams!)

Think--- I won’t
Feel--- I can’t anymore
See! I want you to see
I want you to see those who aren’t and those who can’t be
I want you to know that this burnt remain of mangled matter isn’t the only meal
I want you to know that life doesn’t have to nauseate like a vertiginous carnival wheel
I want you to steal back what was yours and still can be
I want you… to feel
I want you to remember
Remember the sun
The way is rises and sets
Does it not forget to rise again?
Does it not forget to take back its accession in the sky?
It takes back what was His and illuminates the earth
To release its permanent ember giving it new birth
Remember after the storm the sun is unveiled
And the tale of its wonder reappears and its luminescence glimmers on the green
It bounces, and rolls, and flies as it revives and gives depth and color and reveals the real scene
The colors you forgot at darkness now are uncovered
And now the calumny set by the Cimmerian shade is severed by brilliant truth in its excellence
You now see completion
You now see perfection in its most realistic and transcendent form of exactness and precision
You now see the impeccability of Nature’s merit
You now know beauty exists and it is ideal to agree with its quality of superiority
You now know the paragon upon which it lies upon
You and I
Me and you
It shines on us
Beckoning to us to start on cue
To commence from whence this phenomenon emanates
We start at and with Perfection
Where darkness leaves and deception flees
This is where we start, here and now
Can you see it?
Opportunity resonates in the vicinity as undeniable as the soul, cell, and psyche of Nature’s trifecta
The sounds are as boisterous and resplendent as the sounds of a symphony orchestra
The world is now painted by radiant rays
It beams and paves the ways of paths now possible
It makes the harsh blur and intimidating memories of nights past tolerable
As it flows side by side, over and under, and even through life it self
It is now your valiant companion, now utilize it!
Take off like the charge of a thousand cavalry soldiers
Explode into the air and rain down like a volcano after it smolders
Pick up life’s sword and weald it as musketeers of old
Fire and reload your gun forever and expect no return as those of The Revolutionary War
Run as the Spartans ran as they clashed with the Persians and created a shock so sore
That the sky fell with fear and the earth shook in its shadow of courage and endurance
This is the reality of light, this is perfection, this is the precipice of Life it self
This is truth!
See! Feel! Think!
See the path placed before you if you but step one foot
Feel the light as it warms and injects and inflicts and puts the ability to think in your soul!
If you but let it
But this is all I can say
All I can ask
All I can beg until you choose to do it on your own
All I can play until you learn to play your own tone
This is now when you decide
Whether you take the boost of the Ocean’s wave or be swallowed by it’s riptide
The truth may be the light, and the light you may find
But until you decide to progress instead of assuming permanence of darkness
You not only choose to not live but you choose to be blind

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